The Varsity中文网推介 | Introducing The Varsity’s Chinese website

多年以来,The Varsity 一直服务于不同背景的读者。多伦多大学就像一个大家庭一样,除了本国的学生以外,家里还住着来自五湖四海的留学生。大家国籍不同,其中许多人除了英语外,还使用其他语言。


去年6月,新晋校园非盈利组织解聆人(The Listeners)和我们取得了联系。其由中国留学生发起并运营,旨在为中国留学生服务——他们目标宏大,希望通过一种全新的方式,让中国留学生更加充分地享受到校园媒体福利。多伦多大学有近13800名国际学生,其中中国留学生人数超过10000,然而这样庞大的群体却从未受到校园媒体的全情关注。

因此,The Varsity 联合解聆人(The Listeners)投入数月时间打造了The Varsity中文网,该网站所有新闻均由学生撰写,翻译成简体中文后,向公众投放。

截止目前,该网站上发布的所有文章均为英文撰稿,后经专门的学生志愿者团队译为中文。每周The Varsity期刊排版印刷后,志愿者团队将会把其中最贴近中国留学生的文章翻译成中文。

我们希望The Varsity中文网的职能不仅仅停留在翻译阶段,现在的设想是,通过这个网站为更多对中文写作与编辑感兴趣的学生提供一个机会,让他们直接在The Varsity上发表自己的作品。


The Varsity竭诚奉上中文版读物,期待你也能享受其中。

For years, The Varsity has been catering to a diverse audience. The University of Toronto is home to an array of students of varying nationalities, many of whom speak and read in languages other than English. As the university’s student newspaper of record, we strive to have this diversity reflected in our coverage.

In June we were approached by a recently-developed campus-based not-for-profit organization called the Listeners — a club run by Chinese international students for Chinese international students — with an ambitious proposal for a new way of engaging international Chinese students in campus media.

During the 2016–2017 academic year, the university had 17,452 international students, 9,187 of whom were from China. Despite comprising 11% of the university’s population, rarely is this large group fully recognized in campus media.

So, in tandem with the Listeners, we spent the last few months creating The Varsity’s Chinese website — a project dedicated to student journalism written and translated in simplified Chinese.

As of now, the articles posted on the website are ones that were previously published in English and have since been translated by a dedicated team of volunteer students. Following each of our weekly in-print issues, this team of students will translate some of the articles from the most recent issue of The Varsity into Chinese.

We hope to expand this project beyond translations too; ideally, the website will serve as an opportunity for students interested in writing and editing in simplified Chinese to contribute to The Varsity with their original works. 

With this initiative comes a multitude of possibilities. It’s an opportunity to expand the accessibility of our coverage to one of U of T’s largest populations, and, of equal importance, it’s an opportunity to encourage aspiring writers, editors, and journalists to get involved.

We hope you enjoy reading The Varsity’s Chinese edition; undoubtedly, we’ll enjoy bringing it to you.