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A guide to TIFF 2017


Our handpicked list of some of this year’s biggest premieres

作者:列乌特·科恩(Reut Cohen)

By Reut Cohen

发布:2017年7月31日 凌晨3:33

Published: 3:33 am, 31 July 2017

修订:2017年7月31日 上午8:28

Modified: 8:28 am, 31 July 2017


under Arts & Culture


Tags: TIFF

翻译:Leyin Zheng

校对:Yingwei Liu & Yingxue Li

多伦多国际电影节 (Toronto International Film Festival, 以下简称TIFF)是多伦多市的一大亮点,也是世界上最负盛名的电影节之一。每年此时,成百上千的观众聚集在多伦多市内,参加各个场馆的电影放映式,高达数百场。这些场馆大部分位于多伦多的娱乐区(Toronto’s Entertainment District)内。

The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) is one of Toronto’s biggest attractions and one of the world’s most prestigious film festivals. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people converge to attend hundreds of screenings at venues scattered across the city, often in Toronto’s Entertainment District.

TIFF之所以能够成为如此重要的节日,有一部分是因为其举办时间为秋季,时间上十分接近颁奖季,从而为电影制造话题。TIFF高仕啤酒人民选择奖(Grolsch People’s Choice Award现已成为颁奖季大满贯的早期预测指标,往届获奖影片包括《模仿游戏》 (The Imitation Game),《房间》(Room),以及《爱乐之城》(La La Land)。自TIFF创办近43年以来,众多高仕啤酒奖获奖影片又进而夺得了奥斯卡最佳影片奖,最近一次获奖的影片是《为奴十二年》(12 Years a Slave)。

Part of the reason TIFF has become such a noteworthy festival is because its fall timing runs close enough to awards season for the films to generate buzz. TIFF’s Grolsch People’s Choice Award has become an early predictor of awards season success, with past recipients including The Imitation Game, Room, and La La Land. In the nearly 43 years since TIFF’s founding, numerous Grolsch award winners have gone on to win the Oscar for Best Picture, the most recent one being 12 Years a Slave.



The scale of the festival is enormous: last year’s event featured 397 films from 83 different countries. TIFF’s programmers received 6,933 total submissions for consideration, 1,240 of which were Canadian.



Buying tickets


Individual tickets go on sale to the public on September 4 at 10:00 am. Prices range depending on whether your chosen film is on a weekend or weekday, or in the evening as opposed to a matinee. The lowest-priced tickets are $10 for those under 25 attending a weekday daytime screening, but prices may increase from the base fare due to demand for a certain film. Should you plan to severely neglect your studies, there may be package deals available.



Attending a screening

早到的重要性不必言说。TIFF官网声明:“提前15分钟是准时到达,提前5分钟算作迟到。”电影节的组织者建议各位提前一小时到达。除了洛依·汤普森厅(Roy Thompson Hall)和威尔士公主剧院(Princess of Wales Theatre)之外,其他场馆并没有指定座位,因此排队是选择座位的唯一途径。最为重要的是,做好准备:带上防晒霜,遮阳伞,以及任何可以让你在排队等候时更加舒适的东西。反复核对tiff.net或TIFF手机应用上的信息以跟进放映时间表。当然,别忘了你的票!

The importance of arriving early cannot be overstated. As stated on the TIFF website: “15 minutes early is on time. 5 minutes early is late.” The festival organizers recommend arriving an hour early. Except for Roy Thompson Hall and the Princess of Wales Theatre, the venues will not have assigned seating, so the lineups are the only way to pick your preferred seat. Above all, be prepared. Bring sunscreen, an umbrella — whatever you need to wait in line comfortably. Keep checking or the TIFF app to keep on top of the screening schedule. And of course, don’t forget your ticket!



The main events



Here are some of the biggest films set for screenings at TIFF, many of which are making their international or North American premieres. If stargazing is your thing, these are sure to be some of the splashiest red carpet events.

《触不可及》(Untouchable),由尼尔·博格(Neil Burger)导演 (美国)


Untouchable, directed by Neil Burger (US)


这部布莱恩·科兰斯顿(Bryan Cranston)与凯文·哈特(Kevin Hart)主演的电影翻拍自法国电影《触不可及》(The Intouchables),讲述了一个四肢瘫痪的富翁和受雇护工—— 一个有犯罪前科的无业游民,之间的故事。电影其他主演包括妮可·基德曼(Nicole Kidman),朱丽安娜·玛格丽丝(Julianna Margulies),和阿雅·娜奥米·金(Aja Naomi King)。


This Bryan Cranston and Kevin Hart flick is a remake of the French film The Intouchables, about a wealthy quadriplegic man and the unemployed former criminal who’s hired to assist him. It features Nicole Kidman, Julianna Margulies, and Aja Naomi King.


呼吸(Breathe),由安迪·瑟金斯(Andy Serkis)导演 (英国)


Breathe, directed by Andy Serkis (UK)


你可能已经从咕噜(Gollum),金刚(King Kong),或是凯撒大帝(Caesar)中熟知演员安迪·瑟金斯,然而今年,导演安迪·瑟金斯将在此献上他的处女作——亦是全球首映的《呼吸》(Breathe)。安德鲁·加菲尔德(Andrew Garfield)在这部传记片中饰演一位患有小儿麻痹症的男子;本片讲述了他与挚爱的妻子,克莱尔·福伊(Claire Foy)饰,越过重重困难支持残疾人群体的故事。


You might know Andy Serkis best as Gollum, King Kong, or Caesar, but here he makes his directorial debut with the world premiere of Breathe. The film, a biographical drama, will feature Andrew Garfield as a man who develops polio and becomes an advocate for the disabled against all odds along with his loving wife, played by Claire Foy.


捕手是间谍(The Catcher Was a Spy),由本·列文(Ben Lewin)导演 (美国)

The Catcher Was a Spy, directed by Ben Lewin (USA)


由保罗·路德(Paul Rudd)饰演的职业棒球运动员莫·伯格(Moe Berg),在二战期间成为职业间谍,为战略情报局(Office of Strategic Services),即如今的中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency)工作的故事。这部电影是根据尼古拉斯·达维多夫(Nicholas Dawidoff)的畅销同名传记改编拍摄的。

Paul Rudd plays Moe Berg, a professional baseball player who becomes a professional spy working for the Office of Strategic Services — the CIA before it was the CIA — during World War II. The film is based on Nicholas Dawidoff’s bestselling biography of the same name.


伯德夫人(Lady Bird),由格蕾塔·葛韦格(Greta Gerwig)导演 (美国)


Lady Bird, directed by Greta Gerwig (US)


这部影片是曾出演《弗兰西斯·哈》(Frances Ha )与《二十世纪女人》(20th Century Women)的影星格蕾塔·葛韦格(Greta Gerwig)单飞之后的导演处女作。影片由西尔莎·罗南(Saoirse Ronan),劳里·梅特卡夫(Laurie Metcalf),和崔西·雷茨(Tracy Letts)主演。影片中罗南饰演的少女来自萨克拉门托,渴望逃往纽约读大学。

Greta Gerwig, the star of films like Frances Ha and 20th Century Women, makes her solo directorial debut. The film stars Saoirse Ronan, Laurie Metcalf, and Tracy Letts, with Ronan playing a Sacramento teenager longing to escape to college in New York City.


请以你的名字呼唤我(Call Me By Your Name),由卢卡·圭达尼诺(Luca Guadagnino)导演 (意大利/法国)

Call Me By Your Name, directed by Luca Guadagnino (Italy/France)

改编自安德烈·艾席蒙(André Aciman)广受好评的同名小说,圭达尼诺这部相当成熟的电影于今年早些时候在圣丹斯电影节(Sundance Film Festival)首映后就已好评如潮。影片的背景是1983年的意大利,蒂莫西·柴勒梅德(Timothée Chalamet)饰演的年轻男孩爱上了比他年长,师从他父亲的暑校学生,然而这一切或许只是欲望的沉沦。

Adapted from André Aciman’s acclaimed novel of the same name, Guadagino’s coming-of-age film has already received rave reviews after premiering at Sundance earlier this year. The film, set in Italy in 1983, follows a young boy, played by Timothée Chalamet, who falls in love, or perhaps just lust, with his father’s older summer grad student, played by Armie Hammer.


性别之战(Battle of the Sexes),由维莱莉·法瑞斯

(Valerie Faris)与乔纳森·戴顿( Jonathan Dayton)导演 (美国)


Battle of the Sexes, directed by Valerie Faris and Jonathan Dayton (US)


史蒂夫·卡洛尔(Steve Carrell)与艾玛·斯通(Emma Stone)在这部体育题材的喜剧中再度携手。电影改编自1973年鲍比·里格斯(Bobby Riggs)与比利·简·金(Billie Jean King)之间具有里程碑意义的网球对手赛。想要尽情享受这部影片吗?我们期待你的到来。

Steve Carrell and Emma Stone reunite in this sports comedy-drama based on the iconic 1973 tennis match between Bobby Riggs and Billie Jean King. We’ll leave it to you to decide whether or not to spoil this one.


首先他们杀了我父亲(First They Killed My Father),由安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)导演 (柬埔寨)


First They Killed My Father, directed by Angelina Jolie (Cambodia)


这部电影的剧本是由朱莉和朗·昂(Loung Ung)共同完成。电影改编自昂的童年回忆录,一段在红色高棉党(Khmer Rouge)执政期间,波尔布特政体(Pol Pot’s regime)下的童年。。电影将于2016年末在Netflix上发布英语和高棉语版本。

Jolie cowrote this film with Loung Ung. It is based on Ung’s memoir of her childhood, which was spent under Pol Pot’s regime during the Khmer Rouge years. The film will be released on Netflix in late 2016 in both English and Khmer.


母亲!(Mother!),由达伦·阿若诺夫斯基(Darren Aronosfky)导演(美国)


mother!, directed by Darren Aronosfky (US)


阿若诺夫斯基最新的心理惊悚片众星云集,主演包括詹妮弗·劳伦斯 (Jennifer Lawrence),哈维尔·巴登(Javier Bardem),和米歇尔·菲佛(Michelle Pfeiffer)。电影讲述一些不请自来的客人闯入一对夫妇家,并对他们实施威胁的事件,影片继威尼斯电影节首映后,即将在TIFF举行北美首映式。


Aronofsky’s latest psychological thriller features a star-studded cast that includes Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, and Michelle Pfeiffer. The film centres on a couple that is threatened by uninvited guests entering their home, and it will make its North American debut at TIFF after premiering at the Venice Film Festival.